Zoology Database

"Zoology Database" provide previous years' question papers for B.Sc zoology students. Last year's M.Sc zoology/ Lifesciences entrance paper is also available here.

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Scientific Name: Mystus vittatus


Phylum: Chordata - Dorsal tubular nerve cord, notochord and gill slits present.

Subphylum: Vertebrata - Vertebral column present.

Superclass: Gnathostoma -Jaws and paired appendages present.

Class: Actinopterygii - Ray-finned fishes.

Superorder: Teleostei - Bony fish proper.

Order: Ostariophysi- The anterior vertebrae are modified to form a chain of bones, the Weberian ossicles, joining the swim-bladder to the ear.

Genus: Mystus

Species: vittatus

Habit and habitat: Found in ponds, rivers, and beels of India Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Burma and Thailand.


  1. The species attains a size of 210mm in standard length.
  2. Colouration varies according to habitat. Usually delicate grey-silvery to shining gold with about five lovely pale blue or dark brown to deep black longitudinal bands on flanks, a narrow dusky shoulder spot often present, fins glassy, often with dark tips.
  3. The body is divisible into the head, trunk and tail. The Head contain a terminal mouth, eyes and 4 pairs of barbels.
  4. Maxillary barbels extend posteriorly beyond the pelvic fin, often to the end of the anal fin.


Mystus sp. Source: YouTube-, Solito de Solis


  • The Fishes of Assam by N.N Sarma
  • Wikipedia
  • The life of invertebrates by J.Z Young

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