Zoology Database

"Zoology Database" provide previous years' question papers for B.Sc zoology students. Last year's M.Sc zoology/ Lifesciences entrance paper is also available here.

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 Scientific Name: Petromyzon sp.


Phylum: Chordata -Dorsal tubular nerve cord, gill-slits and notochord present.

Subphylum: Vertebarata -Vertebral column present.

Superclass: Agnatha -Jaws and paired appendages absent.

Class: Cyclostomata -Mouth circular, suctorial, without jaws.

Order: Petromyzontia -Mouth with a funnel, without tentacles. Nasopharyngeal pouch blind. Gills 7 pairs, open independently to the exterior. The branchial basket is well developed.

Genus: Petromyzon

Habit and Habitat: Petromyzon is found both in salt and fresh water. They lead an ectoparasitic life on other fishes, attaching to the body of the host by buccal funnel and secreting an anticoagulant for continuous flow of blood. They are also anadromous i.e., ascending rivers for spawning.


  1. The body is eel-like, measuring about 90 cm, and differentiated into head, trunk and tail. The first dorsal fin, second dorsal fin and caudal fin confluent.
  2. Skin is without scales, slimy, green, brown and with a strong metallic lustre.
  3. The Head contains a mouth but no jaws. The mouth is surrounded by a large, ventral, suctorial funnel with numerous horny teeth. The 'tongue' is toothed and piston-like.


Paddlefish Parasites | Wild Mississippi. Source: YouTube, Nat Geo WILD


  • Practical zoology vertebrates by S.S Lal
  • The life of invertebrates by J.Z Young

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