Scientific Name: Tetraodon cutcutia
Phylum: Chordata - Dorsal tubular nerve cord, notochord and gill slits present.
Subphylum: Vertebrata - Vertebral column present.
Superclass: Gnathostoma - Jaws and paired appendages present.
Class: Actinopterygii - Ray-finned fishes.
Superorder: Teleostei - Bony fish proper
Order: Acanthopterygiit - Highly developed fishes, characterized by the stiff spines at the front of the dorsal and anal fins. The maxilla is short, the duct of the air-bladder is closed, the body shortened, and the pelvic fins far forward.
Genus: Tetraodon
Species: cutcutia
Habit and habitat: This species inhabit fresh and brackish waters of Northeast India, Bangladesh, West Bengal and Orissa. The fish, at present, shows a declining trend of its occurrence in Assam.
- Back is dark, green to olive green, flanks yellowish to pale grey, belly dirty white. A dark ocellus just in front of dorsal and anal fins.
- Body divided into head, trunk and tail with a broad back, tapering abruptly to the tail.
- All fins are round, pelvic fins are absent.
- Length of head equals to its distance from the base of its dorsal fin. Interorbital space flat and broad.
Tetraodon cutcutia. YouTube: PabloDraws
- The Fishes of Assam by N.N Sarma
- Practical zoology vertebrates by S.S Lal
- The life of invertebrates by J.Z Young
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