Zoology Database

"Zoology Database" provide previous years' question papers for B.Sc zoology students. Last year's M.Sc zoology/ Lifesciences entrance paper is also available here.

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Scientific Name: Vipera


Phylum: Chordata - Dorsal tubular nerve cord, notochord and gill slits present.

Subphylum: Vertebrata - Vertebral column present.

Superclass: Gnathostoma -Jaws and paired appendages present.

Class: Reptilia -Scaly vertebrates. Right and left aortic arches present. Single condyle. Pulmonary respiration. Embryo with amnion and allantois.

Subclass: Lepidosauria

Order: Squamata -Lizards and snakes with horny epidermal scales or shields. Quadrate bone movable. Vertebrae procoelous. Anal opening transverse.

Suborder: Ophidia -Snakes. Limbs, feet, ear openings sternum and urinary bladder absent. Mandibles jointed anteriorly by ligament. Tongue slender, bifid and protrusible. Left lung reduced.

Genus: Vipera

Habit and habitat: It is found in rocky and bushy regions. It feeds on mice, rats, lizards and birds.


  1. Body divided into head, neck, trunk and tail.
  2. Body measures 2 meters in length. Head large, flat, triangular and covered with small scales. Shields on the undersurface of the tail are subdivided. Head contains, mouth, bifid tongue. nostril and eyes without eye lids.
  3. Colour is brownish but it varies according to its environment. Body is covered with keeled scales. Large black spots arranged on the back. Head and body separated by constriction of neck.
  4. Paired erectile fangs in front of upper jaw, one on each maxillary bone and folded backward when not in use (solenoglypha).
  5. Snout is angulate, nasal opening prominent and largest and eyes have white margin with golden iris and elliptical pupil. Tail narrow.



  • Wikipedia
  • The life of invertebrates by J.Z Young

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