Zoology Database

"Zoology Database" provide previous years' question papers for B.Sc zoology students. Last year's M.Sc zoology/ Lifesciences entrance paper is also available here.

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Scientific Name: Pristis


Phylum: Chordata - Dorsal tubular nerve cord, notochord and gill slits present.

Subphylum: Vertebrata - Vertebral column present.

Superclass: Gnathostoma -Jaws and paired appendages present.

Class: Elasmobranchii - Endoskeleton cartilaginous. Scales usually placoid. Notochord rudimentary. Spiral valve in intestine. Opercula absent.

Subclass: Selachii - Bony fish proper.

Order: Euselachii 

Genus: Pristis

Habit and habitat: Pristis is a warm water marine type. It is predacious, feeding on small fishes and other marine animals by slashing them with its saw. It often ascends the river.


  1. Elongated, shark like body is slightly depressed and divided into head, trunk and tail.
  2. Body shape is midway between a shark and a ray. The anterior part is flattened dorsoventrally and is ray-like while the posterior part, for more than half, is shark-like. It exhibits close relationship with rays.
  3. Head contains a pair of eyes and a pair of spiracles behind the eyes. Water passes through the spiracles and goes out through the gill-slits.
  4. Snout is anteriorly produced into a saw-like rostrum with large and small weakly embedded teeth.


Sawfish facts: sawing their way through the oceans. YouTube: Animal Fact Files


  • Practical zoology vertebrates by S.S Lal
  • The life of invertebrates by J.Z Young

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